Sunday, November 2, 2008


FALL LEAVES ARE FALLING IN MICHIGAN ONCE AGAIN..................The trees all around us are beautiful colors of red, yellow and orange. Its lots of fun to see all the changes. One bad thing with the changes it means the cold winter is just around the corner. My kids once again went over to Grandma Diana's house and played in her leaves from her huge maple tree. I am going to try to make this a every year tradition. We didn't have much time this year to take pictures my mom's neighbor was using his leave blower to blow all the leaves in a huge pile to pick-up for my mom. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.

Matthew and Blake do enjoy playing in these leaves.


jenifer said...

it took me a while to figure out which Michelle you were-- Matthew looks the same, but I'm sure you didn't have blake when we moved... what a sweet family you have... it's fun to hear from you again!!

Sara said...

Great to hear from you Michelle! Your boys are looking so big. I've added your blog link to my list now for viewing - thanks for letting me know about it. I look forward to updates!

Charlene said...

I love pictures of my children in leaves. Something about it so serene. I hope you are enjoying blogging still, now I want you to look into Facebook. I just started last week, and I think you will enjoy that a lot too. by the way, Matthew looks tall in those pictures! How big is he?